Thursday, April 30, 2009

may is egg month.

a quick update is in order, i suppose.

some things have changed at the restaurant. for one, the grill cook was laid off, so that's one less person not looking at my face while talking to me. actually, he was the only one who did that. but, to his credit, he was very nice. well, i mean, he isn't dead, he IS very nice, and he only touched me a few times before he said he would stop and then he did, in fact, stop. i have no beef with him (ugh, pun acknowledged and, actually, not really intended).

two people have put in their two weeks' notice at the place, which has resulted in the hiring of a new person, abby, whom i have not met. i have only seen her name on the schedule. she's probably very nice. it occurs to me that all of the women employees have "ee" sounds in their names except for three, including me. hmm.

rumors were swirling for about 3 days last week that the restaurant might close (when i say "swirling", i mean my friend and bartender, Sierra [see? ee!] started them and kept them a-swirling. i actually think it's going to be okay. business seems to be ever so slowly picking up. not that i can honestly say i would be that devastated if the place closed. although, i really would be in trouble if it did. then i would have no excuse and i would have to, like...TRY.

sorry this is kind of a depressing entry. i don't mean for it to be. i've been in a riot grrrl mood. has anyone seen Ladies and Gentlemen: The Fabulous Stains!? the vocal stylings of a very young diane lane are stunning. just inspiring.

happy may, everyone! rabbit-rabbit!

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